standard-title Skin Checks

Skin Checks

Most skin cancers can be found by checking your skin regularly for new spots or spots that change and by having regular skin checks with a trained, experienced doctor.

Self-Checking for Skin Cancer

A simple guide to checking your own skin for skin cancer has been developed.
It’s called SCAN YOUR SKIN [ detailed advice is available at ]

Basically you need to look for spots or moles with the following features:



scaly, itchy, bleeding, tender and doesn’t heal within 6 weeks



in appearance (size, shape, colour)



looks different, feels different, or stands out when compared to others



most melanomas and all skin cancers arise this way

Any spots of moles with any of these features should be checked by a trained, experienced doctor.


A skin check with our doctors usually takes between 15 to 30 minutes and includes:

  • Medical history about your skin as well as your general health.
  • Further questions about any specific skin concerns you have.
  • Full skin examination with you undressed down to your underwear.
  • Examination of spots with a special magnifying lens called a dermatoscope.
  • Photograph of moles or spots that needs monitoring.
  • Testing of suspicious spots or moles with biopsy (shave biopsy or punch biopsy) under local anaesthetic and specimen sent to pathology for testing.

Following up on your skin check:

Pathology results are usually available within one week.

Most lesions that require excision or other treatment can be managed at the clinic at a follow-up appointment.

Complex cases may require referral for specialist treatment (dermatologist, plastic surgeon or specialist hospital).

Skin checks are usually advised every 1-2 years or more often in some cases, depending on the condition of your skin and your risk for developing skin cancer.